Friday, October 5, 2007

What happened between Sept. 17th to Oct. 3th? o.o

Remember how I said I would update regularly?
Not that I don't have the time at work as I do have plenty (most of the time) know...there is a thing called "laziness" that has stuck upon me which I can't deny has affected my progress on the site...; ;
And since i failed and fell asleep yesterday when a run was scheduled, I shall present us an update today finally~!
If only my old co-workers were still around, they would post a photo of me sleeping at my desk...then again...its already common knowledge to most...:P

September 17, 2007
This day we celebrate the 3rd coming, as Sigyn has been the Chosen One to complete Skadi Feet!

Winning a lot battle against Six (which he will hopefully complete soon as well, damn cheapass chariot) and all filled with joy as Grem and Kren were when they got their pieces complete! ^^
Even I celebrated too hard after rushing a 2hr attack at QQA and nearly broke my back..o.O

September 19, 2007
After a day of rest, we can't stop just yet! So we went and visited our big mechanical and demanded for some drops, we learned all it wanted was a dead thief and that he got!

Big congrats to Rumari and our THF sarcifice Emtrai! Im sure Emtrai didn't mind at all after being called to lot hehe
Quite the reaction from the team when the items dropped as well:

You don't see this reaction when Marduk drops...(now i cursed us with worthless Marduk drops..; ;)

Somewhere between this time period, we killed another LBC and got marduk hands and ares head! hands went to me and head went to Drew, I somehow don't have screenshots of it so I fail miserably! >.>;;

October 3, 2007
After much rest with me away due to friends visiting town, giving the group time to catch up on Assault Points
Farming with no lvl 35s dropping and members growing rapid hatred to Qiqirns and Chariots, we still have much unfinished business with LBC!
sometime before we had a terribly close wipe with aid of some VS members too (and I messed up on the last gear pull...><) BUT! we came back and striked it hard and got what we deserved!
Congrats to Falcor as he is the loot whore of the night! :D!
Well deserved drops and we only hope for much more to come from future runs...^^

PS. If you see Gremlin in the game, go /poke, /slap or throw potatos at him as he been MIA lately. If he asks, KenZS gave you permission! :P

PSS. Now Kren can stop nagging me on AIM at work for an update...>.>

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