Monday, August 20, 2007

Introducing New Members and Apologies to our members

First things first, I would like to apologize to members last night who were around like Mandrake and Taekichi, it was 3am, and I just wanted to rush in as soon as possible as I still am pretty tired at work. This isn't the first occurance either, some have complained about not being notified ahead of time.
I will make sure that I contact everyone on the roster when we do a main-run and off-run.
I advise everyone to please keep up with points necessary to be able to do main-runs most importantly, if you can spare points to do some off-runs, that is great too. Does not mean we will not farm them on Main run either but the drops we see, the more distribution for everyone!

Note that our Main runs are technically Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Any other day would be considered a off-day I know I been having problems making it on Thursdays lately, I try and tell Kren or Grem to lead those days without me if I can';t make it or make up for it on Friday. Any issues you need to bring up, put them in the comment box or comment on one of the posts where its relevant. Don't be afraid to say something, not going to bite you...:P

Now I would like to introduce two new recruits to our group!
Seagalka (THF, NIN)
Waice (PUP, RDM, WHM, and a bunch of other jobs I forget...)
I hope you all make them feel welcomed and will be a great aid to our runs...^^

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